Thursday, November 15, 2012

Served on the Editorial Board for FORUM Journal, a bi-annual publication for Strayer University. Helped select content and direction for the publication. Wrote the President’s introductory letter (p.2). Wrote a column in every issue.  Collaborated in writing with colleagues across the University, as evidenced in the article “New Clickable Rubrics Enhance Assessments” (pgs. 6-7).

Click HERE to download pdf.

Created, designed, and wrote INSIDE ACADEMICS, a weekly e-newsletter from the Strayer University President’s Office to promote excellent academic work accomplished across Strayer’s 99 campuses and global unit. Designed a content solicitation plan and calendar, receiving materials from Campus Deans, College Deans, Senior Vice Provosts, and the Provost and President. Edited all materials. Developed a mailing plan with the Instructional Technology Department to insure weekly e-newsletter delivery to Strayer University’s 3,500 employees.

Click HERE to download pdf.


Giving the keynote address, “Creating Active Learning Classrooms,” at the Teaching English as a Foreign Language Conference in Quito, Ecuador, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Fulbright Program and the American Embassy.

Click HERE for additional training presentations, workshops and Institutes.
Wrote articles and other communications for Strayer University's President and the Academic Leadership Team published on Strayer University’s Corporate intranet, in the company-wide e-Learning University, and in the community.

Click HERE to download pdf.

Fundraiser / Grant Writer of the Year.

Wrote and received a $2.5M National Science Foundation Grant for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics in conjunction with the Vice President of Academic Affairs at Johnson C Smith University in Charlotte, NC.

Click HERE for a complete list of awarded funds.


Wrote book chapters and juried articles about writing, creativity, and technology. Collaborated with colleagues across many disciplines, including working with an Interior Designer at the University of Kentucky.

Click HERE for complete list of publications.